KAIA (Korea Aerospace Industries Association) is the only representative organization of Korea aerospace industries. To promote its industrial capacity, KAIA have supported the aerospace R&D program and aerospace industrial policies of Korean government.
KAIA also conduct survey of aerospace statistics, liaise and coordinate with related domestic & overseas organizations (related government authorities, universities, research institutes etc), operation of KAQG(the Korea Aerospace Quality Group) secretariat, LCH (Light Civil Helicopter) program office and Gyeongnam (Sacheon-Si) Branch. KAIA has organized the Seoul ADEX (Seoul Int'l Aerospace & Defense Exhibition, previously called Seoul Airshow) since 1996. Seoul ADEX is the only and largest exhibition covering aerospace & defense industries in Korea.
Now, Korea aerospace companies are aiming to expand its business field to MRO industry and the Korean Government has announced to actively cultivate its business environment in Korea. KAIA will support and be the bridge of MRO business in Korea.
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