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IBM Corporation IBM is building upon a 100+ year legacy of innovation through its leadership in AI, analytics, HPC and infrastructure for enterprise applications. Our cloud solutions combine the latest NVIDIA Tesla and GRID GPUs with bare metal for rapid, high performance, and flexible deployments. With the only architecture that incorporates NVLink from POWER9 CPUs to NVIDIA Tesla GPUs, IBM Power Systems clusters and servers are built better for GPU computing, deep learning, and artificial intelligence.
IBM - UA Summit Website
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Iberia Maintenance Iberia Maintenance delivers premium MRO services for 320s, 330 and 340. All operators can benefit from our component repair and overhaul expertise covering a wide service spectrum of all kind of components assembled in these fleets. Iberia Maintenance offers engine process on CFM56-5A1/-5B, CFM56-7B, V2500 & RB211-535E4, but also power generation systems, associated accessories and thrust reversers. Efficiency and quality are our objectives in all processes. We employ integrated management systems to ensure the optimization of our services by including Lean, critical chain projects and other continuous improvement programs. The aircraft engine workshop provide maintenance and engineering services to engines, thrust reversers, auxiliary power generation systems, and a wide range of related accessories. The 52,560 m2 workshop and testing bench with a capacity of 90,000 pounds of thrust are located in the Iberia Maintenance facilities at Madrid airport. Website
iBASEt Website
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IATA Website
IAI BEDEK Aviation Group Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) provides comprehensive engine lease, trade and exchange solutions, both long and short term, for customers around the world. IAI Engines Division serves as a single-site source for the maintenance, repair, and overhaul, conversion and testing of civil and military engines. The Engine Lease and Trade unit has over 20 years of engine leasing and trading experience with a wide range of engines available for lease, trade or exchange including PW4000, CFM56, and V2500 family engines among others. IAI provides short or long term engine lease packages, tailored according to customer requirements with a 24/7 support desk and quick turn time from requirement to lease engine delivery. In addition, IAI offers various solutions for engine fleet management, such as full engineering and planning support, exchange programmes, engine buy and lease back programmes and many other options for the full flexible service. View Website
IAG Engine Center
iAeroThrust iAeroThrust
IAC - International Aerospace Coatings
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