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Sensus Aero
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Sentry AeroSpares
Sepang Aircraft Engineering Sepang Aircraft Engineering Sdn Bhd is a fully owned Airbus subsidiary, EASA 145 and FAA approved Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) service provider for commercial aircraft, engines and components. Since 2007 SAE provides aircraft support services in South East Asia region. Based in Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the MRO has a combined floor area of 50,000 square metres including two separated hangars. The first hangar can accommodate up to six single-aisle aircraft or two wide-body aircraft, while the second hangar can accommodate two A320 aircraft at any time for major maintenance checks. It also features Malaysia’s first eco-friendly closed-door dedicated paint bay for the single aisle fleet, as well as state-of-the-art workshops for the repair and overhaul of a wide range of aircraft components. We strive to be the market leader in serving customers within the South East Asian region by providing on time deliveries and meeting every need of our customers. View Website
Separation Dynamics
Sepasoft Website
SerendipiTea Website
Series Seating Website
Server Technology Server Technology, a brand of Legrand power strategy experts are trusted to provide Rack PDU solutions for demanding data centers worldwide ranging from small technology startups to Fortune 100 powerhouses. Our customers consistently rank us as providing the highest quality PDU's, the best customer support and most valuable innovation. Only with Server Technology will customers Stay Powered, Be Supported and Get Ahead.
Serverius Serverius is offering a wide range of connectivity and colocation services. Unique products, knowledge, experience and a fanatic team of support engineers. Our datacenter products empowers you with a wide range of premium datacenter services. Serverius
ServiceMax View Website
SES Aviation
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